Monday, April 23, 2007

Guess Who? The Sequel

Thomas creates this sequel vlog to the older vlog called "Honoring Vloggers". In this 2nd edition, there are 7 new vloggers that you can watch and try to identify each vlogger. Thomas welcomes answers on this site. Like before, answers will be posted in 2 or 3 days time.

Good luck and Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ok. Let me take a chance at it:

1. Teri
2. ?? (Row?)
3. Toby?
4. Mike S.
5. ABC - John L.?
6. Oscar the Observer
7. ??

~ LaRonda

Aslpride said...
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Aslpride said...

My guess...

1. Teri S.
2. Carl S.
3. Toby W.
4. Mike S.
5. Navybeagle
6. Oscar the Observer
7. Barb D.

ASL Risen said...

My guess:

I do really enjoyed to watch all different vloggers messages. Doesn't matter because they all are wonderful human and caring person like you, Thomas and your wife, too!

Good to see you back! You made me smile with your holding SALAMI !!!


Belle said...

This is unfair because some of the previous guessers helped me out! Here goes:
1. Teri
2. PANY Lighthouse???
3. Banjo
4. Mike S.
5. Navy Beagle
6. Oscar the Observer (thanks to the previous guessers!)
7. Forget the name but she introduced "The Secret" book/dvd.

IamMine said...

1. Teri
2. ?
3. Toby??
4. ?
5. JohnABC
6. Oscar the Observer
7. The Desperate Housewife's Tales

Tried my best! ;)

IamMine said...

I was wrong!! I watched the vlog again...

1. Teri
2. ?
3. Toby??
4. ?
5. JohnABC
6. Barb Digi!! :D
7. The Desperate Housewife's Tales

IamMine said...

I was wrong again!! I watched the vlog again...and cheated by looking around... update:

1. Teri
2. ?
3. Toby??
4. ?
5. Navybeagle
6. Barb Digi
7. The Desperate Housewife's Tales

Ok, ok no more cheating!! But don't know #2, 3, 4... dang!

Anonymous said...

1. Teri
2. ?
3. ?
4. Jay Krieger
5. Gary Brooks
6. Barb DiGi
7. Lisa Risa, The Desperate Housewife's Tales

White Ghost

John Lestina --- said...

1 - Teri
2 - Pany Lighthouse
3 - DeafKitchen
4 - DrMzz
5 - NavyBeagle
6 - Barb DiGi
7 - The Desperate Housewife's Tales

Anonymous said...

Let me guess...

1. Teri
2. Carl
3. Deaf Kitchen
4. Mike
5. Navy Beagle
6. ???
7. Barb

P.S. can you add your email address to your profile, please? So that I can talk with you, personally. Thank you.

Joe from Texas

David A. Martin said...

Sir Thomas,

1. Teri
2. Pany
3. Aidan Mack
4. Jeff Navy Beagle
5. Toby?
6. Oscar
7. Risa Lewis

Toby Welch said...

Guys, Since Thomas said "7 *new* vloggers", obviously he meant other than 8 vloggers in his first edition. That means you made wrong answer if you name Toby. Sorry. But thank you for thinking of me. =]

Sir Thomas Sir, I would be disqualified. Why? I am not keeping up with last a few weeks. Anyways. Sorry for too much talkative! My answer is:

1. Teri
2. Pany
3. ?
4. Mike Schmidt
5. ?
6. Observer
7. Barb

I am the winner! Yea! No? Sorry. hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Here is my turn:

1. Teri
2. Pany
3. Toby Welch
4. Jay Krieger
5. Navy Beagle
6. Oscar the Observer?
7. Desperate Housewife's Tales
(the Secret)

Had to check a few blogsites first before making up my mind. Number 4 was tough. It was a toss between Mike S and Jay Krieger. Both drink java!

~ Just Deaf

Anonymous said...

1. Deaf Dish by Teri Sentelle
2. my 1st choice Pany Lighthouse
2nd choice Rodwy Vision
3. Welch's Asl Juice!
4. Oh I see
5. NavyBeagle
6. Oscar the Observe
7. The Desperate Housewife's Tales


Anonymous said...

Opps I mean Rowdy Vision not Rodwy
